Want to know what your customers really think? New service from @FoodPRie

Welcome to Secret Diner – A new service for uncovering the details about your customers dining experiences

Since 2011 we have offered this service to our PR clients, now we are happy to offer this as stand alone service. Suitable for Cafés, Casual Dining Restaurants and Full Service Restaurants.  Managed by Food PR and Marketing, this mystery dining programme will gather crucial customer intelligence for your business from actual customers.  Don’t wait to read about problems on TripAdvisor take a proactive approach and see your business through the eyes of your customers.

A visit by Secret Diner will effectively monitor customer service levels within your business, identify any potential flaws or weaknesses and provide a better understanding of the perceptions you are fostering amongst your customer base.

Each research program we undertake on behalf of our clients is custom built. We understand that clients have unique research requirements and objectives, and that is why each programme will be tailored to your specific needs and business objectives.We will work with you to define the correct research standards and parameters for your restaurant to ensure that the information we gather is useful and actionable.

Under our program  experienced and full briefed mystery shoppers will assess a restaurant by evaluating their experience as an actual paying customer. The Secret Diner service offered by Food PR will score the restaurant on a number of categories and give a detailed account of their experience under each category.

On completion of the visit you will be provided with a report detailing your overall score for the visit, as well as statistics for each individual section.  Clients can choose all or a combination of the following categories for evaluation:

  • Physical appearance e.g: approach, signage, parking, restaurant exterior, layout, ambience
  • Staff e.g: presence, appearance.
  • Staff Customer Service
  • Staff Product/ service knowledge
  • Quality of food provided -including taste, temperature, value and appearance
  • Service waiting times
  • Sequence of service report
  • Full Report

Cost per visit: €285 plus expenses*. Repeat visits are offered at a discounted rate of 10%.

Your detailed Report will conducted in an unbiased, constructive manner. Suggestions for improvements will be included in summary, where relevant.

Looking to reach award standards?  secret dinning experiences are available through a our Award Worthy Dining Secret Diners service. These inspectors are fully trained in major award standards often working as food writers or food critics. Ask us for more details. Price per visit €350 plus expenses

*expenses to include price of meal for 2 (or family if demographic is requested). Usually three courses unless otherwise specified. Drinks as specified by client plus travel costs. Service is currently being rolled out and has limited availability. Please enquire.