Learn To Cook Your Way Around The World With Randy Lewis

Randy Lewis, chef-patron of the popular Randaddy’s beachfront restaurant in Lahinch, Co Clare, is hosting a series of cooking classes in November with the aim of giving people a real taste of world cuisine in their own kitchens.

Each class will have a dedicated theme, for example the art of dough & fresh pasta making, Italian, Moroccan, Indian and Thai cuisine, as well as party food. Participants will get to cook a starter, main course, sides and dips in each lesson. They’ll also learn about the origin of dishes and receive tuition in basic kitchen skills.  

Randy Lewis said, “The cookery classes are aimed at people  who have a flair for flavoursome foreign food. I want to share my worldwide tricks learned when travelling and to allow our customers to bring a real taste of adventure home. I look forward to sharing my secrets.”

The three-hour classes will run on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings throughout November in Randaddy’s, Beachfront, Lahinch, Co Clare, at a cost of €49 per class which includes a complimentary glass of wine. Places are limited.

For more information and to book your place email [email protected].

About Randy Lewis & Randaddy’s:

Randy Lewis is a 37-year-old chef from Alberta, Canada, who has set up home and business in Lahinch, Co Clare, where he is chef-patron of Randaddy’s beachfront restaurant. It’s here where Randy applies his self-described “easyass” approach to cooking fresh, flavoursome food every day.

Cooking and travel are Randy’s chief passions and it’s “casual world dining” that’s on the menu at Randaddy’s. Randy has cooked his way across the world, starting in Australia in 2001, then winding his way across the USA, Brazil, Ecuador and Mexico, next hopping across to India, Thailand and Vietnam, then stopping off in Morocco before lowering anchor in November 2005 in the West of Ireland in Lahinch, Co Clare. You could say that the world is Randy’s oyster.

All of the food at Randaddy’s is cooked from scratch using locally sourced ingredients and fresh herbs where possible.